Welcome to the
Sultan Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien
Centre for Islamic Studies (SOASCIS)
The Sultan Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Centre for Islamic Studies (SOASCIS) is a research centre at Universiti Brunei Darussalam, established on the 30th of September 2010.
It is dedicated to the advanced study of Islam, in particular Islam’s societal impact in terms of beliefs, practices, and organisational forms, by employing the tools and methods of Islamic sciences. In order to promote and improve our understanding of the Islamic world, in an increasingly inter-dependent world, this endeavour requires the continuous development of Islam-based tools of analysis to underpin the multi-disciplinary perspectives demanded by contemporary scholarship.
Recite in the name of your Lord who created.
Surah Al-'Alaq, Verse 1
MS1501 Islamic Civilisation and the Modern World
The Centre offers a compulsory breadth module for undergraduates, covering a broad understanding of Islamic history, community (Ummah) and civilisation, and its impact on the modern world.
Graduate Programs
The Sultan Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Centre for Islamic Studies (SOASCIS) is offering an MA in Islamic Civilisation and Contemporary Issues and a PhD in Islamic Studies.

At the Sultan Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Centre for Islamic Studies (SOASCIS), we pride ourselves on hosting an eclectic group of scholars whose expertise range in the fields of philosophy, theology, sociology, and psychology, among others. Our academic community is both rich and diverse, embracing an innovative multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary perspectives. This unique combination allows our Centre to delve deeply and insightfully into the study of Islam and Muslims in the contemporary world. Our scholarly investigation not only fosters a nuanced understanding of Islamic practices and traditions but also the role and impact of Muslims globally, thus enhancing the Centre’s contribution to the global academic discourse on Islam, while adhering to an Islamic worldview.
Opportunities at SOASCIS
Postdoctoral Fellow Scheme
Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) is offering a highly competitive scheme for early career researchers who had completed a PhD in the past five years.
Open Call for PhD Applicants
With the pressing need to understand the nuances of Muslims, the Centre is currently seeking highly motivated individuals to further their studies at the doctoral level.